

API — Flask Documentation (3.0.x)

Create a redirect response object. This is called by flask.redirect() , and can be called directly as well. Parameters:.

Day10 - Python Flask(四) - redirect 和url_for

因此可結合上面兩個函式成 redirect(url_for('welcome', name = name, age = age)) ,使其在往後的維護或擴充上都更加的方便。

Day19 flask redirect


Flask redirect and errors

Sometimes you need to redirect an URL, like when the url is no longer available or the user is not logged in. The redirect function lets you do that in Flask.


Flask class has a redirect() function. When called, it returns a response object and redirects the user to another target location with specified status ...

Flask實作_基礎_09_redirect after some action

2019年12月26日 — from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect, url_for app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/loginurl', methods=['GET', 'POST ...


2018年5月20日 — 重定向,就是在客户端提交请求后,本来是访问A页面,结果,后台给了B页面,当然,B页面中才有需要的信息。

Redirect to a URL in Flask

2022年10月21日 — Redirection in Flask can be done by returning a redirect response object, created by invoking the redirect() function. The same method is used ...

Redirecting to URL in Flask

2023年6月21日 — A redirect is used in the Flask class to send the user to a particular URL with the status code. conversely, this status code additionally ...

Redirecting to URL in Flask

2013年1月15日 — You have to return a redirect: import os from flask import Flask,redirect app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello(): return ...